Leaning In, Learning to Listen

This morning’s table talk discussion between the Lord and me. 

Picture this: You are sitting at a table with Jesus. He’s leaning toward you, speaking quietly, discussing His plans for you for the day ahead. Your eyes are on His. Your heart and your mind are trying to absorb all the ramifications of following His plan.

The scene widens and you realize that your table is in the middle of a city street marked with chaos, confusion, conflict and danger. (in my mind some things were literally blowing up) Now, I have the choice to keep looking at and listening to Jesus or to be distracted by the world around me.

It is a battlefield! Not only in our world, but a battlefield of and for our minds.

I think, “Lord, how can I stay focused when the world around me is falling apart?”

He replied, “Look closer at the scene around you.”

And I did. There, with a woman hovering in a doorway, was Jesus, His arm around her. I glanced to the right and there He was with another person and then over further He was with another. Jesus was with each person who had called out to Him.

Jesus is Spirit. He can be and He is everywhere all the time. This is a hard concept for my natural brain to absorb. But oh, how it frees me to lean in and to listen knowing that He’s got the whole world in His trustworthy hands. And that He has a plan for me in this day.

I hope this blesses you as it did me.

Debbie G


I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Psalm 16:8

Thank you to painting illustrator: Cheri Bladholm, Syracuse, NY

#LeaningAndLearning #PeaceInChaos #TodaysPlan


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