A small-town girl, raised country- that’s me!
Growing up with just a few neighbors meant that neighbors were friends. And church? Well, those folks filled the many empty spaces life brought my way. Church people became my family.
I’ve learned many lessons through the process of raising children. My posts may spark a memory for you or might brand me as an odd bird. I’ll let you decide.
I’ve raised seven kids, five of which were adopted from foster care. So, most of my babies carry someone else’s DNA, but they’ve always been surrounded in love. I’m proud of how hard they’ve worked to get to where they are. Oh yeah, I also home-schooled my gang for 20 years.
I began writing for a local magazine when my littles were little. And a few more stories published in periodicals. Somehow, I always found an outlet for my muse. Now I’ve published a book! Fiction. Real life struggle experienced through imaginary characters.
I fell in love with the suspense/mystery genre. Escaping into the pages of books helped me through some difficult years. So now I write what ministered to me. Characters battling hardships and coming through changed. These are the stories that inspire me.
The last few years have found me digging deeper into life events and looking at them through a different lens. I’ve found that what satisfies me most is sharing what I’ve learned so that perhaps it might help someone else in their walk-through life.
I’m so glad you dropped by today. I hope you’ll check back often. And if you like my webpage or my book, that you’ll share my link with a friend. And please drop me a line, I’d love to hear from you.
And I always have a few things on my mind to share. Look for the sign-up spot for my monthly newsletter and be the first to hear about any upcoming events! <3